This blog post is for you! It’s for everyone that doesn’t know what to gift now that your best friend or sibling just had a baby.
I know the feeling, you are looking for something that will bring them joy but that is not necessarily just for their baby (and by the way, this is how I started Cherieswood…looking for a gift for my best friend) In this article I will give you suggestions on gift that are not for their baby, but really for the parents: most ideas are designed to let them relax, enjoy their new life with a baby and why not, to get some distraction when things get more complicated with the newborn! If you are looking for ideas for a baby gift, I’ve written an article last month.
Alright, let’s start, as promised I will suggest you classic ideas but also a few ones that I am sure you were not considering, bear with me!
1 – Wine related gift
First of all, after 9 months your friend will finally be able to have a glass of wine, and this is enough to consider it an excellent gift! This is really a great gift for both parents, they might decide to drink it on a weekend or just borrow some time for themselves.
If you consider that probably they could spend a lot time trying to make the little one sleeping or after a long day of taking care of the baby, we can say that new parents might need something stronger than tea/coffe while a babysitter’s watching the baby.
I would go with a nice bottle of wine if they like it, or even a set of things to create an amazing cocktail!
2 – Box of snacks
This is a little treat, that would be very appreciated as they will not have too much time for lunch.
Salty or sweet. Healthy or not super healthy food. You know what your friends like the most so go for that or do a mix of everything. This should be a treasure box for a little moment of pleasure between feeding and changing a diaper!

3 – Flower subscriptions
Bring a little bit of nature in your friends’ house!
As time runs out quickly with a baby they will not have time for a long walk in the nature so why not buying them a flower subscription to always have a colored and perfumed spot in the house.
You can organise it with a local florist in your area or you can have a look here.
4 – Handmade family portrait
Everyone can take a selfie, let your friends have an handmade personalised family illustration that they can frame and hang like a small picture in the nursery or together with other photos.
Look for a professional illustrator or a small business in your area. If you need the gift for a scheduled date remember that this could require a bit of time to be produced!
I love portrait made by Veronica of Lulavè Illustrazioni like this one in the picture, aren’t they cute?
5 – Audible credits
I am not saying that they would listen to a book to cover baby’s loudly crying sound, but, if this would happen we are not here to judge them! If your friends are used to devour books gifting them audible credits would be a good solution to keep up with the latest releases while their hands are busy heating baby bottles.
6 – Keepsake box

This might look like a gift for babies but, until they are not ready to appreciate it fully, it would be a precious box of memories for parents!
If you are in doubt about the different offers available in the market, here you can find a nice wooden box that will definitely feel special. Cherieswood’s boxes are really unique as all of them are finished with handmade cross-stitch decoration that comes with baby’s name. If you would like a 100% personalised decoration feel free to contact us.
7 – Smart speaker
“Alexa, set up a 5′ timer“.
Setting up the alarm for the next meal, play a lullaby or a funny song to distract the baby, turn off the light while hands are busy, these are some ideas of how your friends can be help by a smart speaker with their daily activities that now are a little bit more complex to be performed… or reminded.
8 – Robot vacuum cleaner
That’s another little helper in the house. If something can be helpful to reduce wasted time that’s definitely a robot cleaner. Your friends will be free to feed and change the little one while the robot does the dirty job! Plus if you consider that it’s a white noise maker could also be helpful to make the baby falls asleep.
9 – Beauty box
We talked about the snack box but another nice present that can be gifted is a beauty box kit, a little caress after a busy day. You can find on the market something already made otherwise, you can play in create something personalised. What can you include in the box? A bath bomb, a body oil, a nipple balm, a dry shampoo (always useful), a scented candle, and anything can help the new mum to have a nice moment of relief.
10 – Tracking device
Are your friends very distracted and used to leave everything behind? do they spend hours to find the keys? Let me put it this way, if they where like that before the baby, now things will be even worse with double the amount of things to take care of. A tracking device like Tile or the Apple AirTag could be a solution to avoid more drama while they adjust to the new normal!
11 – Baby sitting
It would not be used in the first months when everything is new and they do not have ideas on what to do with the new entry in their life. But as the time pass, they will definitely appreciate having some time back for themselves.
The good thing is that you do not have to buy anything, you are an active part of this story! Gift the new parents with your time to supervise and baby sitting allowing them to do something together as a couple knowing that their little one is in good hands. Some parents might be scared about it at first or they might feel bad about asking for something like this, so make this offer as spontaneous as you can and they will love it.
To be honest, I think this is the best gift you can give them!

12 – Dining out
This is a good add-on to the baby sitter and viceversa. These guys will definitely need some time for themselves and sending them on a date will be very appreciated, believe me!
Now, what can make it special? One idea is to contact the restaurant of their first date or a nice and fancy one in your town and buy them a coupon for a special menu. Remember to opt for something that leave them free to choose when they prefer to go, their life has changed and planning for things it’s not as easy as it used to be.
Hope these ideas would have been useful to help you with the next gift!
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Ciao, Elisa