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The 5 Ws of a Baby Gym

Why a baby gym is important for your baby's development and other important information :) In this article we are going to learn something more about baby gyms. In particular, what are the main benefits of a baby gym for…
28 October 2021
Goodnight Stories

a trip to space

One night, swinging in the rocking chair in the garden, Mum was trying to make Kay fall asleep. She wasn't sure what would make him stop grumbling this time but then she said, "Look at the sky. Those little lights…
4 October 2021
Goodnight Stories

where is my nut?

Grandpa loved it when the days got shorter, the leaves on trees started to change colors, and nature transformed the landscape of the little wood in front of his house. He loved this season so much that every year he…
4 October 2021
Goodnight Stories

party animals

On the savanna, all that could be seen is yellow grass, soil, single trees scattered here and there, and a blue sky. Looking at the horizon, everything has wavy lines and no animals.  An exhausted fly zigzagged from one acacia…
4 October 2021
Goodnight Stories

camping in the forest

It was a nice, midsummer Saturday morning. The sun was high in the sky, the humidity already made everything feel sticky, and the temperature would probably only rise even more during the day. Dad was immersed in his thoughts to…
28 September 2021
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